Saw a cousin for the first time in a while today, she was telling us about how her son (who was not present) came out as trans. Needless to say as soon she said it, I had knots in my stomach waiting for the response from the rest of my family.

The response was not what I expected. After my cousin explained what deadnaming was, the rest of my family immediately starting calling him by his correct name, and using the correct pronouns. My cousin said "Are any of you really surprised?" To which everyone just said no, and she said "Good cuz I plan on supporting him no matter what he does."

I was so taken aback by the response I almost burst into tears. I am so happy for him.

Edit: I forgot this but my mom's ex husband said "I don't see why his (correctly gendered) sexuality is my business." and my mom said "I think you just answered your own question." :data-laughing: