It's kinda nuts how powerful that animal was. T. rex is a so-called durophage, an animal adapted to cracking extremely hard prey items. Some durophagous birds specialize in cracking nuts, a triggerfish may take a nice bite out of a piece of coral rock, an alligator may snack on a turtle - but a T. rex could crush the shell of an Ankylosaurus. Its jaws were powerful enough to not just crush bones, but to pulverize them.
It's kinda nuts how powerful that animal was. T. rex is a so-called durophage, an animal adapted to cracking extremely hard prey items. Some durophagous birds specialize in cracking nuts, a triggerfish may take a nice bite out of a piece of coral rock, an alligator may snack on a turtle - but a T. rex could crush the shell of an Ankylosaurus. Its jaws were powerful enough to not just crush bones, but to pulverize them.