We need this being as a weapon against fascist and neoliberals. 40 ft long 8 tons...
No, we can do better then a tyrant king.
Therizinosaurus, on the other hand, has big Hexbear energy. it's a vegetarian that has big fuck you claws
Fun fact: We have never found a complete skeleton of one. Just the arms have been found.
One of those damn things broke into my base and killed half my dilo swarm and my first paraceratherium, along with a bunch of paras.
yeah vegetarian doesn't mean "won't fuck everyone's shit up", just look at hippos.
Idk, those... breasts? kinda look like dolores dei's glowing lungs, thats kinda sus :tequila-sunset:
I like the bottom heavy look, like it put the minimum possible evolution into getting those arms to "weapon" height
Yep I always enjoy the fact that in possibly the most powerful land carnivore ever, the Female was the top dog and did most of the fighting and hunting.
It's kinda nuts how powerful that animal was. T. rex is a so-called durophage, an animal adapted to cracking extremely hard prey items. Some durophagous birds specialize in cracking nuts, a triggerfish may take a nice bite out of a piece of coral rock, an alligator may snack on a turtle - but a T. rex could crush the shell of an Ankylosaurus. Its jaws were powerful enough to not just crush bones, but to pulverize them.
I may not Stan it, but I'll sure Sue it :owl-wink:
we stan tyranosaurus rex because she's fuckin massive
Yes! I was hoping somebody would realize the females were the true bad asses in this species. they were the intimidating ones who scared off rivals and shit
the brontosaurus is the true proletarian dino
it's basically a living mass line
I like the stegosaurus more I think, but TRex's's's are cool
Uhhhhhhhh just judging by your tone :volcel-judge: This post is under watch :volcel-vanguard: