But if you only got your news from Reddit, you’d think the people are preparing to overthrow the government and establish a new liberal country.

There were protests where people were singing the national anthem too, but it seems like western libs are the only people who can protest the government without wanting to topple it


    • cawsby [he/him]
      2 years ago

      China and Xi realize they don't have the hospital beds to let er rip like the United States or Germany did without killing one million or more of their senior citizens. The amount of fully vaxxed over 80's in China is only ~40%, and unlike in Western countries more than half of those over 80 in China still live in multi-generational homes. There will be no escape from Covid in China once Zero Covid is gone.

      It is shameful that the West refused to share MRNA tech with the Chinese when they asked, which would have made the vaxxing process much easier; but, that being said, nothing short of vaxxing the elderly to 80-90%+ is going to allow China to curb Covid controls w/o mass deaths. If the CCP do remove Covid controls and Chinese parents/grandparents start dying en masse it will likely inflame even more aggressive and long lasting protests.

      This is the 1st major challenge of Xi's new consolidated CCP leadership, and the world waits with bated breath on what happens next. When China trade stops that is ~1/3rd of all global manufacturing gone overnight. We are likely going to see cooler heads prevail and the most onerous restrictions lifted, as a mass crackdown seems too bullheaded for Xi's governing style.

    • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I'm pretty sure there are other ways to implement zero covid so I'm sure they are going to pivot to something else