But if you only got your news from Reddit, you’d think the people are preparing to overthrow the government and establish a new liberal country.

There were protests where people were singing the national anthem too, but it seems like western libs are the only people who can protest the government without wanting to topple it


    • yang [they/them, any]
      2 years ago

      I listened to an East German friend complain of poor services and inferior products; the system did not work, he concluded. But what of the numerous social benefits so lacking in much of the world, I asked, aren't these to be valued? His response was revealing: "Oh, nobody ever talks about that." People took for granted what they had in the way of human services and entitlements while hungering for the consumer goods dangling in their imaginations.

      The human capacity for discontent should not be underestimated. People cannot live on the social wage alone. Once our needs are satisfied, then our wants tend to escalate, and our wants become our needs. A rise in living standards often incites a still greater rise in expectations. As people are treated better, they want more of the good things and are not necessarily grateful for what they already have. Leading professionals who had attained relatively good living standards wanted to dress better, travel abroad, and enjoy the more abundant life styles [sic] available to people of means in the capitalist world.

      :parenti: Blackshirts and Reds