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    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      It's creepy but it's not sexual violence. What's really creepy is the crusade to infantilize adults. People have a right to make bad decisions. Are you really going to tell adults living by themselves and working that they can't fuck who they want because you think it's icky? The age of majority is somewhat arbitrary. Why 20? The brain isn't fully mature until 23 or 25. Why not just make sex before marriage a crime to really make sure no one makes any mistakes. Let's have state issued boyfriends so we can all ensure that we approve of any relationship that, again, adults have. At some point you have to let people make their own bad decisions. We decided that point is 18. If you want to give 18 year olds advice not to date people older than them then do that. If you want to shun people who date 18 year olds do that. If you want to legally reduce adults to the status of minor children then fuck off.

      A 60 year old dating a 25 year old is creepy. It's not sexual violence. Someone who makes 600,000 dollars a year dating someone who makes 37,000 a year is creepy. It's not sexual violence. And god knows whatever other mundane, unexceptional shit the morality police thing is creepy. How about same sex relationships? Lots of people think that's icky, we should ban those. Interracial dating? Icky. Dating someone with a mental health issue? Icky! Dating an addict? Icky! Dating someone without a job? Icky! Dating someone from the wrong religion? Icky!

      Back off before you start shooting people because they've got their hijab on wrong.

      Christ. 18 year olds are old enough to drive cars, work jobs, make their own medical decisions, buy houses, take on loans, leave their abusive parent's house, travel without restriction, own guns, stay out after dark, drink alcohol, smoke, do drugs, vote, run for office, but they're not old enough to fuck. For all that other shit they're legally and mentally functional adults capable of giving informed consent, but if they decide to fuck someone then they're legally indistinguishable from a toddler.

      Oh i forgot to add transitions, because 18 year olds are allowed to do that and it's a much more consequential decision with far more life changing impacts than having a 25 year old dick in you. God what else? I'm sure there's a thousand other major decisions you wouldn't blink at an 18 year old making, but you decide to be the morality police when it comes to who they have sex with.

      Fuck the weirdos who want to date teenagers. Shun them. Kick them out of your circles. Tell 18 year olds to stay away from them. But the state coming down with all it's violence and bullshit on 18 year old adults because in this one case them acting with agency makes you feel bad is disgusting.

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          2 years ago

          Cool. I'll tell all the teenagers in abusive homes they have to wait two more years before they're no longer legal property of their parents.

          I think 25 year olds are full adults

          But a 21 year old consentingly fucking a 19 year old is rape? Or two 18 year olds fucking are raping each other?


            • Frank [he/him, he/him]
              2 years ago

              You can rent cars before 25. That's not a law. It's a limit imposed by insurance companies. The 21 year old drinking age was an entirely unprecedented imposition of federal power that only passed because the feds withheld highway funding from any state that didn't comply. The drinking age is 18 in most of the world and drinking alcohol is even less consequential and harmful than having a 25 year old dick in you when you're 18.

              "Oh yeah the law says that gay sex is a crime and you could go to jail for it, and that having a condom in your purse is evidence of you're a prostitute and you can go to jail for it, or being a transwoman and just existing is both illegal female impersonation and evidence you're a prostitute and you could go to jail for it, and selling or owning sex toys is a crime and you could go to jail for it, and holding hands if you're not married is a crime and you could go to jail for it, and and and and and and and and and and and, but it's not a problem because it's never been a problem for me and I don't know anyone who has personally had their life destroyed by freaks who can't respect the autonomy of other people".

              These things have consequences. Your ignorance of the violence inflicted by the state doesn't change that.

        • TankieTanuki [he/him]
          2 years ago

          although maybe making it 2 years might be better…?

          Just focus on finding someone emotionally compatible and don't worry about approval from strangers.

          I once dated a man with the exact same birthday as me (year and day). I've also dated a woman four years my junior.

          My parents are 11 years apart so if we cancel age gaps I may cease to exist. :scared:

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            2 years ago

            This left puritan crusade against whatever they arbitrarily decide is an icky power imbalance is disgusting. Exactly the same attitude and justifications as the Iranian morality police beating the shit out of women for daring to have their hair showing.

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          2 years ago

          Raphael isn't saying you should lecture them. Raphael is saying that a 20 year old sleeping with an 18 year old should be criminally charged with statutory rape and that the 20 year old should be imprisoned for it. As well, Raphael is saying that two 18 year old sleeping together are committing statutory rape against each other, and should be imprisoned. Raphael might object and say that's not what they meant, in which case Raphael needs to go look at what Age of Consent legally means.

            • Frank [he/him, he/him]
              2 years ago

              Oh really? You didn't know that kids get prosecuted, put on the sex offender rolls, and sent to prison for having consensual relationships? I guess you were just talking out your ass about things you don't understand regardless of the real harm it does. Fancy that. Not every jurisdiction has Romeo and Juliet laws. Age of Consent means that if you have sex with someone who is not of the Age of Consent, regardless of circumstances, if there's not a specific exception in law you've legally committed sexual assault. "It doesn't get enforced very often" isn't a fucking excuse.

              Fucking figure it out before you start advocating for state violence

              Here's another article. Read.

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Frankly given the reaction to that thread, some people here DON'T think it's creepy.

      It seems like a no brainer to me that anyone well into adulthood dating a teen is a freak and a libertarian though.

      • eatmyass
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • Kuori [she/her]
          2 years ago

          fucking thank you. this has been bothering me about this place since it happened. it's bizarre that that's the post, out of all their posts, that gets referenced dismissively

        • TankieTanuki [he/him]
          2 years ago

          very weird when people make fun of that post

          Power dynamics.

          • eatmyass
            1 year ago

            deleted by creator

        • panopticon [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          I actually thought they were making a good point, and yet the thing is, they argued their point in only a few sub threads and then just spammed "Power dynamics" at everyone else, which is a type of shit posting that is more annoying than entertaining for everyone else

          • eatmyass
            1 year ago

            deleted by creator

        • barrbaric [he/him]
          2 years ago

          buy houses

          Irrelevant, no 18 year olds have enough money to buy a house (and if they do they're bourgeois so fuck 'em)

          get married

          Honestly people shouldn't be able to get married until they've been living together for a couple years at least which would put it over 20 (but I also don't view marriage as important so :shrug-outta-hecks:). Ideally, I'd go with 25 because that's when people are fully mentally developed.

          do sex work

          I know that I'm to the right of a lot of people here on this but I'd agree with this. I'd go with 25 again.

          join the military

          Nobody should be able to join the military, regardless of age

    • kristina [she/her]
      2 years ago

      18 year olds look like soft little babies

      i have an overwhelming urge to feed them. idk why anyone would want to date them

            • kristina [she/her]
              2 years ago

              i had this weird thing happen where everyone thought i was 30 at age 18 because i looked dead on the inside then i got on hrt and people say i look like high school age now :meow-tableflip:

              i cant help that im short and cute. i guess im just one of those evil anime girls that are 3000 years old now. probably helps that i have a pretty extreme skincare routine

        • kristina [she/her]
          2 years ago

          no not even when youre the same age teenagers are ick :volcel-judge:

          • ElGosso [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Logically then teenagers should only date adults, and adults should never date teenagers.

            • kristina [she/her]
              2 years ago

              exactly. teenagers should be celibate until they are ungrossified