Kinda scary most trade union members are already pretty reactionary.

  • Tormato [none/use name]
    2 years ago


    But any properly discerning worker will be able to see right through this pathetic political ruse. The Republican stance has always been hostilely anti-union, through decades of awful RW propaganda machine media. And the Dems have joined them in having lost all credibility with workers, after repeatedly mouthing the same tired platitudes but doing exactly next to nothing.

    What it could result in is a faster burning cynicism about the entire political apparatus. Thus increasing the possibility of strikes, solidarity and the 99% coalescing around shared concerns and grievances.

    If the ReThugs and Cruz choose to try to maneuver this to their own benefit it’ll soon enough play out to be the fraud that it will be. With the next effect being a strengthening of the People vs the Wealthy and their puppet protector politicians.