For me its gotta be the pang of fear and anxiety whenever I see my local pigs. Protect and serve, my ass, more like harass and terrify

  • Bloobish [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Got into an argument with a lib about what NYC is doing is going to traumatize and harm the homeless individuals involved as well as medical staff by kidnapping, drugging, and holding someone. All they said in return was bullshit about a family member dealing with schizophrenia and "it's better than nothing". Like mfer all they wanna do is hide the only sin neoliberalism cares about and that is "highly visible homeless" being seen in public spaces.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      About 90% of people who have ever been sectioned will tell you that it's the worst, most traumatic thing that has ever happened to them, and even if they didn't lose their job and their home from being kidnapped and held without recourse for a month it leaves scars that last for the rest of their lives. There are people who are actively suicidal who are still alive bc they got sectioned, but the way people are tormented and dehumanized in psych wards means that only in literal life or death situations can it be at all justified.

      • Bloobish [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        This right here, it literally feels like we are at the end of the rope for the neoliberal system in which it can't conceivably imagine giving housing or free medical treatment (or even just fucking subsidized) to pick up the slack for its rampant reaping and privatization of services. Instead it has, with a straight face, told the public it will incarcerate you if you fall outside of it's "acceptable" populace group, and everyone just goes through with it cuss they already expect so little from this hellworld.

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          2 years ago

          Yeah. Nimbys screaming for homeless blood have no self awareness that they're one medical crisis or missed paycheck away from being in one of the encampments they're screaming about.