Apparently we do. Because today millions of Americans—young and old—are flocking to the socialist banner and chanting, “What do we want? Socialism—the economic system that has impoverished people everywhere and resulted in the deaths of tens of millions! And when do we want it? Now!”


Most people seem somehow to have missed Economics 101 and don’t understand that socialism isn’t nice, cuddly government that takes care of everything for you so that you can remain an adolescent forever. No, we’ve seen it tried over and over again with catastrophic consequences.

Luckily, two semi-sober economists have toured the socialist world so you don’t have to. And they’ve come back with this stunning report: Socialism Sucks!

The reviews have fellas toasting brewskies (beer [man drink{validate my gender pls}]) to socialism sucking.

Excellent book, informative , interesting a well written book.A great book to give to any college student ot aspiring college student. Try to get some real world facts to them before there indoctrination is complete by there marxist no nothing professors.

As a Cuban refugee Socialism sucks!- Really good book. As someone that escaped communist Cuba I could not relate more. Millennials now want ”socialism” and part of me can’t wait until their iPhones are taken away and they can’t buy Starbucks so they learn that a system that killed millions is not a good idea. I am 32 years old and that system traumatized me for life. I still wake up screaming with nightmares and then turn on the TV in the States to see Bernie...... irony of my life I guess.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      2 years ago

      neolibs explaining why letting rich people do what they want will lead to equality :morshupls: