has anyone looked at this series? it caught my eye, because the title card on my streaming player is like a sort of stylized City of London skyline over this ENORMOUS red hammer and sickle. it seems to be on at least one big streaming aggregator in every sector of the anglosphere (hulu in the states, disney+ in UK/ireland, wherever A+E treats are dumped).

so i was like, "What in the Christ is this?" i guess it's Swede produced, filmed in Ireland, but mostly english language and purports to be an "international spy thriller" about sOmEbOdY interfering in a UK election, with some MI5 and Dane intelligence service pairing up to unravel the mystery.

what i can't seem to get a straight answer on is what the fuck this has to do with cOmMuNiSm by watching the trailer or reading the premise description. i'm also a big Stephen Dillane fan, so i'm gonna try to watch it, though I expect it to be absolute :LIB: slop. i'll report back when i get a clearer picture of the terrain.
