長き沈黙を経て、シリーズ最新作にしてナンバリングタイトルが遂に登場完全新作メカアクション『ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON(アーマード・コアVI ファイアーズオブルビコン)』アセンブルした自分だけのオリジナルメカを操り、立体的で緩急のあるステージを三次元立体機動で自由に駆け巡ること...
Lol sorry but I legit really like the souls stuff so I like to mention it when people are hostile to them.
It's a different perspective though, I do not have issues with the difficulty because I treat them like learning a new type of game system. So once I do/did that I really enjoy the ambience the game provides and the builds variety I can tackle it with.
There's no pretending, they're pretty much the only video game I enjoy in the relative genres.
Lol sorry but I legit really like the souls stuff so I like to mention it when people are hostile to them.
It's a different perspective though, I do not have issues with the difficulty because I treat them like learning a new type of game system. So once I do/did that I really enjoy the ambience the game provides and the builds variety I can tackle it with.
There's no pretending, they're pretty much the only video game I enjoy in the relative genres.