The Yuuzhan Vong story arc in the old Star Wars Expanded Universe wasn't exactly great, and the "nice space vampires" trend-chasing trash that followed was pretty bad, but what a lot of people don't seem to remember, and what I only remembered just now, was that the early villain figure in the Vong arc was some angry Twi'lek lady that was leading what was called the "Diversity Alliance" and was actually an asset of the Vong. Basically, space SJW that wants space diversity is actually a space religious terrorist asset. :sus-torment:

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    It probably was. Kind of rich that the reactionaries of the time (including :reddit-logo: New Atheist darlings like Sam Harris) associated "SJWs" with scary Muslims that want to kill Americans because they have too much freedom(tm). Those :brainworms: were probably a big part of Richard Dawkins' "Dear Muslima" letter which basically finished the ongoing drift of his fandom into early phase MAGA chuds.

    Star Trek Enterprise did something similar with the Xindi arc, BUT with Scott Bakula's insistence, the writers steered the story from "chasing the space terrorists" to something that was a bit more Trek by the end of it (where the Xindi aren't just portrayed as diplomatically approachable but actually crucial to the Federation's future survival), but the damage was done and lead to some very :the-pigs: moments that Captain Archer did, including space torture.