The Yuuzhan Vong story arc in the old Star Wars Expanded Universe wasn't exactly great, and the "nice space vampires" trend-chasing trash that followed was pretty bad, but what a lot of people don't seem to remember, and what I only remembered just now, was that the early villain figure in the Vong arc was some angry Twi'lek lady that was leading what was called the "Diversity Alliance" and was actually an asset of the Vong. Basically, space SJW that wants space diversity is actually a space religious terrorist asset. :sus-torment:

  • Outdoor_Catgirl [she/her, they/them]
    2 years ago

    The other part of the yuzan vong that is kind of sus is how it was retconned that palatine knew about them all along and made the death star and all the space armies and shit to fight them eventually. I really don't like the idea of "militarized fascism good actually because aliens might be coming"

    • scraeming [he/him]
      2 years ago

      How did WH40k manage (in part) ripping off Star Wars decades ago, only for Star Wars to turn around and rip off the premise of WH40k?

    • Socialcreditscorr [they/them,she/her]
      2 years ago

      I really don’t like the idea of “militarized fascism good actually because aliens might be coming”

      Was this before kotor? If not, imagine writing this bs after kotor has its main sith lord get bodied in the intro as the direct result of trying a far more competent version of this plan. :who-did-this: