The Yuuzhan Vong story arc in the old Star Wars Expanded Universe wasn't exactly great, and the "nice space vampires" trend-chasing trash that followed was pretty bad, but what a lot of people don't seem to remember, and what I only remembered just now, was that the early villain figure in the Vong arc was some angry Twi'lek lady that was leading what was called the "Diversity Alliance" and was actually an asset of the Vong. Basically, space SJW that wants space diversity is actually a space religious terrorist asset. :sus-torment:

  • Anxious_Anarchist [they/them, any]
    2 years ago

    I still feel like most people don't talk about how weirdly fascist Mass Effect is. I didn't catch it when I was a teen playing it for the first time but with the release of the legendary edition I almost can't play it anymore, all the stuff in it is so pro military, pro intervention, and anti politics that it honestly makes me uncomfortable now.

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It's still not perfect, but I liked that Andromeda was about being a space explorer instead of a space CIA death squad. Of course Gamers hated it and killed the planned sequels by whining that the women weren't hot enough or whatever.

      • Anxious_Anarchist [they/them, any]
        2 years ago

        Honestly replaying the trilogy made me reappraise the writing in Andromeda, it really was about as good as most of the ME2 or 3.