I am once again asking you to stop giving money to Bobby Kotick no matter how much nostalgia or other brand loyalty might pull you back toward Blizzard games.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    “You could tell that they [McCree and Barriga] weren’t very confident, there wasn’t a lot of vision for the game,” said a former Blizzard employee. “They were changing their minds a lot, sometimes without even giving things a fair shot, like over the weekend. This started to really slowly start to burn people out.”

    Before the covid-19 pandemic, there was a weekly beer share on Fridays run by McCree for the team to socialize. But several former employees said only beer drinkers, and specifically those bringing the right kinds of beers, were comfortable attending.

    In August of 2021, Barriga and McCree were fired, according to several current employees at the time. The company confirmed the departures but did not share the reason for the firings. McCree had been publicly photographed in 2013 alongside Alex Afrasiabi, who had been named in the 2021 lawsuit and fired in June of 2020 over multiple allegations.

    The most upsetting management decision for many employees came from Barriga’s pick for creative director, Sebastian Stępień. Stępień, who had been brought on in 2019 to revise the game’s story, was previously creative director on the “The Witcher 3” and head writer on “Cyberpunk 2077.” His decisions were a source of turmoil for the Diablo team, some employees say. While the practice of starting work and then scrapping it if it wasn’t up to par was common at Blizzard, employees said “Diablo IV” underwent a series of particularly disturbing revisions to the script. Stępień did not respond to a request for comment.

    In meetings held with Stępień, employees faced various setbacks, which delayed the story’s development for months, according to five current and former employees. Although Stępień had held a creative director title before, his background was more in cinematic directing than in game mechanics, and he approached “Diablo IV” from the perspective of taking the entire game and rewriting it himself.

    (CW: Sexual violence, general Gambo garbage)


    In 2019, many Blizzard employees were disgusted by a version of the game’s script that repeatedly mentioned the rape of a love interest and referred to this female character as the raped woman as her primary description. Stępień had spent months working on this script, penning it in Polish and having a translator change it to English, according to several employees. Employees pleaded with leadership to revise his version of the story, saying rape had no place in a Blizzard game. Many expressed discomfort with the idea of adding rape to the game in what they considered to be an effort to make “Diablo IV” feel grittier and tonally darker than the previous game, rather than engaging with the subject in a sensitive way.

    Two employees recalled to The Post a line in the 2019 version of the game’s script that was written as, “And then she was raped, brutally.” Employees would repeat the punctuation — comma, period — out loud to each other, alarmed by the direction Stępień had gone with the script.

    “Rape has no place in the ‘Diablo’ universe,” said a former employee. “It’s not a thing that we should be tackling because it takes a certain amount of nuance and a deft hand.”

    The “rape version,” as multiple employees called the script, was ultimately overhauled in the same year, and the female character was cut from the story.

    Blizzard spokesperson Reynolds told The Post that “the story in question was floated more than three years ago under different leadership as character backstory, not game content. At that time, it was deemed inappropriate, and we went in a different direction. We remain confident in the team — they’re building something incredible, and have received a lot of positive feedback from players.”

    Several current and former employees also found the representation and depiction of women in “Diablo IV” to be uninspired, particularly the game’s antagonist, Lilith, Queen of the Succubi. Some women in the game are relegated to traditional gender roles, or undermined by their proximity to a man.

    “The story is just mid when it comes to diversity topics,” said a current Blizzard Albany employee, using slang meaning mediocre. “It doesn’t really do anything special there at all, or much of anything. I had complaints about the way we handle Lilith, I think we’ve turned her into someone who’s less interesting as a villain than she could be, if handled by a better writer.”

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Changing the story so the sexual violence victim isn't some Gambo tier edgy plot device :geordi-no:

      Removing the sexual violence victim character entirely because that's easier than not going Gambo :geordi-yes:

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      ‘Throwing bodies at the problem’

      “Diablo IV” had multiple internal, unannounced release dates. At one point, 2021 was floated as an internal goal. A more specific date emerged — December 2022 — after the title was publicly announced in 2019 at the company’s annual gaming convention BlizzCon. Developers appealed for more time to avoid massive cuts to the game. After moving the date to April 2023, the team felt it still needed more time and was able to get the June date approved.

      The June date feels harder to move, several employees say.

      “We’re at the point where they’re not willing to delay the game anymore,” said a current Blizzard Albany employee. “So we all just have to go along and figure out how much we’re willing to hurt ourselves to make sure the game gets released in a good enough state.”

      Blizzard did not comment on “Diablo IV’s” release dates.

      “The problem with games like Diablo is that they are actually quite content heavy,” said a former longtime Blizzard employee, who added that the Diablo team’s desire to break free from “Diablo III” meant finding new solutions to systems that the previous installment had already established. “You can only do so much to power through all those environments, monsters and character animations. Blizzard quality isn’t something you can throw people at.”

      To help get “Diablo IV” over the finish line, Activision Blizzard enlisted industry veterans known for shipping games on time: video game industry veteran Rod Fergusson and Vicarious Visions, now known as Blizzard Albany.

      Employees described Fergusson, now in charge of the entire Diablo series, as holding regular weekly Zoom meetings he dubbed the “Rodcast,” where several hundred people would join. Fergusson would discuss movies he enjoyed or celebrities he had spent time with. He would also address the team’s problem with attrition and share employee survey results, but employees felt that not much actually came out of these discussions. Fergusson did not reply to a request for comment. Blizzard did not comment.

      “To me, he came off as a bit of a clout chaser about where he came from, like ‘Gears of War,’” said a former employee. “People got frustrated because we all thought he was gonna come in and fix the game. And when nothing happened, that’s when you started to see this massive turnover.”

      Activision acquired Vicarious Visions in 2005, but it was not until April 2021 that it fully merged the brands, and changed Vicarious’s name to Blizzard Albany. The studio had a reputation for shipping games on time, and was known for its work on series including Guitar Hero and Crash Bandicoot.

      In August of 2021, the former studio head of Vicarious Visions, Jen Oneal, was promoted to Blizzard co-leader alongside Mike Ybarra, who joined Blizzard in 2019. Three months later, Oneal stepped down.

      As reported last year by the Wall Street Journal, Oneal complained to Blizzard’s legal team that she was discriminated against and underpaid compared to Ybarra. She did not return requests for comment.

      Vicarious Visions employees said no one could have predicted what becoming part of Blizzard would entail: the ongoing lawsuits, the loss of the Vicarious Visions name and logo, and the allegations of how Oneal was treated.

      “You’re like, ‘Man, I feel like I’m working for the bad guys,’” said the female former Blizzard Albany employee. “I feel like any work I do is tainted by this name.”

      Bringing on Vicarious helped with production, though the process to merge the teams was bumpy. Adding a new team that had less experience on the Diablo series with few plans for managing the integration led to difficulties around duplicate work. Blizzard did not comment on merging the teams.

      Last year, developers in Albany and Irvine were working on a battle pass and a Season Journey for “Diablo IV.” The Season Journey, which also existed in “Diablo III,” was supposed to challenge players at the end of each chapter. But over time, it morphed into a second battle pass. Eventually, the team judged that the two were duplicates, and ultimately cut one of the battle passes, scrapping work.

      “At a certain point, throwing bodies at the problem does not solve the problem,” said a current Blizzard Albany employee, about Blizzard’s strategy of buying more studios to aid development. “If you add them late enough in the project, it doesn’t … matter that you hired an entire studio, because they’ll never be up to date in time to help on the shipping game. So all you’ve done is hire people who are going to work on the expansion.”

      Employees are mixed on whether the final, finished product will sate fans and be fun to play.

      Some said it would be fun, while others suggested that review scores for the game would come out to be mediocre but passable. Most agreed that crunching to hit a specific release date resulted in a strained development process that could impact the quality of the game, but more importantly, the health of employees.

      “You’re not getting shot at right now,” the male former team lead said. “Why are you stressing everybody out? Somebody’s not at an operating table. You’re not in an emergency room. You don’t need to put that amount of stress on it.”

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I will now. Sorry, I was offline before I saw this.