Interesting video on the specific challenges faced by people with ADHD, how they create feedback loops, and how to become aware of them and tackle them. Long video which isn't exactly our strong suit, but the actual lecture is 1h08m, the rest is additional question and answer that might also be interesting. Push through the neuroscience part, it's worth it.

  • Shoegazer [he/him]
    2 years ago

    so what happens if i'm fully aware of every problem i have and why i have them and then still refuse to do anything about it :very-smart:

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Have ADHD and depression both so bad it's probably impossible to tell whether the depression is a distinct problem or just the result of the social isolation and lack of emotional support/instruction I experienced growing up.

    ADHD can be devastating in ways people don't realize or understand. It can really suck all the satisfaction and joy out of life. I know I feel like most of mine is a chore.

    • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
      2 years ago

      A lot of diagnoses don't mean much. Borderline and Bipolar are very similar but get gendered at dr offices. The only thing the diagnosis means is a billing code. Treatment matters and getting a name for some kind of disordered thinking is nice but a lot of the medicalization of rational responses to the material environment is bunk.

      • Tommasi [she/her]
        2 years ago

        I don't think this is accurate. Bipolar disorder is seen about equally as frequent in men and women, and does not share the same symptoms as bpd.

        Sorry for replying to an 18 hour old comment, this is just important to me since I have a bipolar disorder and have both borderline and bipolar people in my friend circle. Getting the right diagnosis is really important to get you the right meds and treatment, it's not interchangable.