My co-worker believes the DPRK is a uniquely evil and incompetent state that is in a constant state of famine. They are the most failed and corrupt state.

I told him that DPRK has been incredibly fucked over historically and has been punished on every front for the crime of existing.

Does anyone have any good info I can arm myself with? Or help at articulating something that might get through. He's very much a 'facts and logic' type of lib.


  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I've just started calling people dumb everytime someone comes to me with an insane article about the DPRK. I don't even mention the whole cottage industry of grifters and liars, just that there are no people from DPRK on the internet, so if you post something untrue, there is no one to call you out on it. It has been a medium success, in that people have stopped coming to me with that type of bullshit, but I also don't really think I've seriously moved people away from the propaganda.