"Welcome to the captured American military equipment museum. To your left is the Coffin on Wheels, and behind it is the Bloated Budget APC That Only Carries
FourSix Soldiers. If you continue into the next room, we have the Plane That Doesn't Fly in the Rain..."- Show
I was at the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution in Beijing recently and they had a Taiwanese U2 that the PLA shot down as the centerpiece exhibit of one of the floors.
Say what you will about American gear, but it makes great war trophies.
Same vibe as US marines being confused and befuddled over Japanese light tanks, but for real
Very distinct turret shape and gun mantlet, it's Sherman.
Bloated Budget APC That Only Carries Four Soldiers
I guessed others, but not this one. Is it humvee? Max pro?
Ah, thanks! The apc bit is what got me confused.
Edit: clicked the link, and lo - the very first comment is coping about bradleys "defeating a T-90 with just 25 mm guns". This is why we can't have nice things
There's a whole lot of cope in the top comments, but when you get below those there's some actually good opinions
Can't wait for the sequel featuring the F35 Lightning.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
horror warning
Crying and farding and shidding rn this is so scary
But have you considered these are GLORIOUS ÜBERME- I mean epic democracy defending trucks, in the grubby hands of yucky asiatic hor- I mean totalitarians?! Checkmate, commie!
Meanwhile, US military officials revealed that Ukraine had sidelined US Abrams M1A1 tanks because Russian drones could detect them and launch attacks.
Five of the 31 Abrams that the US sent in January 2023 have already been lost to Russian attacks.
Honestly shocked they made it this long without more just being lost to nature or maintenance issues
Or maybe they have, and that is why they're getting rotated to the rear - the drones are just an excuse. Getting rotated because of a verified and proven (with video proof) threat of a new(ish) weapon system is still not as embarrassing as getting rotated out because the tank is just shit and broke down. At least in my mind, seeing the wank around nazi tanks may prove me wrong
Sadly, there isn't an arena in the whole World, that is big enough to show off all the captured and destroyed Russian equipment.
If we want to show off captured Russian equipment, we have to ask Ukrainian farmers for it.
How many thousands of tanks has Russia lost?
If we wanted to humiliate Russia, all we have to do is hit up the Ghost of Kyiv. But we have more important things to worry about.
If we want to show off captured Russian equipment, we have to ask Ukrainian farmers for it.
when your army is draftees but you don't respect them and still refer to them as farmers
How many thousands of tanks has Russia lost?
0 thousands...That's the answer? Damn I kinda want some of that copium they're huffing
Yet it wasn't a "horror warning" when Ukrainians show off captured/destroyed Russian vehicles in Kiev?
Man knows how to rally a country together and raise morale
Imagine spending 40+ years hunting Western spies and running counters against the world's most developed and psychotic empire. The man's been training his whole life for this and he's been selecting and training his entire power structure using the same background
They had open air museums of captured equipment with little stands with descriptions in Donbas mere days after taking a town back like a month into the war. I remember there was a video showing it off and everything. This is not shocking
Pristine condition. Maybe because no Ukrainians want to fight the war and are just leaving the shit behind.