Permian Period, in geologic time, the last period of the Paleozoic Era. The Permian Period began 298.9 million years ago and ended 252.2 million years ago, extending from the close of the Carboniferous Period to the outset of the Triassic Period.

At the beginning of the period, glaciation was widespread, and latitudinal climatic belts were strongly developed. Climate warmed throughout the Permian times, and, by the end of the period, hot and dry conditions were so extensive that they caused a crisis in Permian marine and terrestrial life. This dramatic climatic shift may have been partially triggered by the assembly of smaller continents into the supercontinent of Pangea. Most of Earth’s land area was incorporated into Pangea, which was surrounded by an immense world ocean called Panthalassa.

Terrestrial plants broadly diversified during the Permian Period, and insects evolved rapidly as they followed the plants into new habitats. In addition, several important reptile lineages first appeared during this period, including those that eventually gave rise to mammals in the Mesozoic Era. The largest mass extinction in the Earth’s history occurred during the latter part of the Permian Period. This mass extinction was so severe that only 10 percent or less of the species present during the time of maximum biodiversity in the Permian survived to the end of the period.

The Permian environment

The Permian Period constitutes an important crossroads both in the history of the Earth’s continents and in the evolution of life. The principal geographic features of the Permian world were a supercontinent, Pangea, and a huge ocean basin, Panthalassa, with its branch, the Tethys Sea (a large indentation in the tropical eastern side of Pangea).

During the Early Permian (Cisuralian) Epoch, northwestern Gondwana collided with and joined southern Laurussia (a craton also known as Euramerica), resulting in the Alleghenian orogeny, occurring in the region that would become North America, and the continuance of the Hercynian orogeny, its northwestern European counterpart. The assembly of Pangea was complete by the middle of the Early Permian Epoch following its fusion to Angara (part of the Siberian craton) during the Uralian orogeny.

Permian life

Life during the Permian Period was very diverse—the marine life of the period was perhaps more diverse than that of modern times. The gradual climatic warming that took place during the Early Permian (Cisuralian) Epoch (298.9 million to 272.3 million years ago) encouraged great evolutionary expansion (diversification) among both marine and terrestrial faunas that had survived the relatively cold conditions of the Carboniferous Period. Many lineages entering Early Permian times with only a few species and genera progressively diversified into new families and superfamilies as the climate warmed. Communities became increasingly complex, and generic diversity (diversity of organisms at genus level) increased through the midpoint of the Middle Permian (Guadalupian) Epoch (272.3 million to 259.9 million years ago). Within the tropical shallow-water marine communities, significant environmental changes occurring at the end of the Middle Permian Epoch were so abrupt that many groups became extinct, and only a few of the remaining groups survived into the Late Permian (Lopingian) Epoch (259.9 million to 252.2 million years ago).

Terrestrial life in Permian times was closely keyed to the evolution of terrestrial plants, which were the primary food source for land animals. The fossil plant record for the Early Permian Epoch consists predominantly of ferns, seed ferns, and lycophytes (a group of vascular plants containing club mosses and scale trees), which were adapted to marshes and swampy environments. A less abundant Middle and Late Permian fossil record of early coniferophytes (a group of vascular plants containing cycads, ginkoes, and gnetophytes) and protoangiosperms (precursors to flowering plants) suggests a broad adaptation of these plant groups to progressively drier areas.

Evidence of broad plant diversification also is found in the rapid evolution of insects, which quickly followed plants into new habitats. As these insects adapted to their new surroundings and formed very specialized associations with plants, many new species emerged. Permian insects included at least 23 orders, 11 of which are now extinct.

Emergence of important reptiles

Several important reptile lineages, which descended from several orders of relatively large amphibians, first appeared during the Permian Period. Although a few primitive and generalized reptile fossils are found in Carboniferous deposits, Permian reptile fossils are common in certain locations and include the protorosaurs, aquatic reptiles ancestral to archosaurs (dinosaurs, crocodiles, and birds); the captorhinomorphs, “stem reptiles” from which most other reptiles are thought to have evolved; eosuchians, early ancestors of the snakes and lizards; early anapsids, ancestors of turtles; early archosaurs, ancestors of the large ruling reptiles of the Mesozoic; and synapsids, a common and varied group of mammal-like reptiles that eventually gave rise to mammals in the Mesozoic.

Synapsids (mammal-like reptiles) are divided into two orders: pelycosaurs and therapsids. They show a remarkably complete transition in skeletal features from typical early reptiles (Early Permian Epoch) into true mammals (in the Middle and Late Triassic epochs) through a fossil record lasting about 80 million years. The Early Permian pelycosaurs included carnivores and herbivores that developed long spines on their vertebrae that supported a membrane, or “sail.” Pelycosaurs reached 3.5 metres (about 11.5 feet) in length and had large, differentiated teeth. Their remains are common in the Lower Permian red beds of central Texas in North America but are rare in Europe.

Therapsids were advanced synapsids known from the Middle and Upper Permian and Triassic Karoo beds of South Africa and equivalent beds in South America, India, Scotland, and Russia. Therapsids were highly diversified and had remarkably mammal-like dentition and bone structure. Their skeletal structures merge with early mammals with no apparent morphological breaks. The point at which mammal-like reptiles pass into mammals is generally placed at forms with cheek teeth having only two roots instead of three. The success of therapsids in the relatively high paleolatitudes of Gondwana has strengthened the view that they were able to maintain an elevated body temperature.

Mass extinction ( Great Dying )

Various authors recognise at least three, and possibly four extinction events in the Permian. The end of the Early Permian (Cisuralian) saw a major faunal turnover, with most lineages of primitive "pelycosaur" synapsids becoming extinct, being replaced by more advanced therapsids. The end of the Capitanian Stage of the Permian was marked by the major Capitanian mass extinction event, associated with the eruption of the Emeishan Traps. The Permian (along with the Paleozoic) ended with the Permian–Triassic extinction event, the largest mass extinction in Earth's history (which is the last of the three or four crises that occurred in the Permian), in which nearly 81% of marine species and 70% of terrestrial species died out, associated with the eruption of the Siberian Traps. It took well into the Triassic for life to recover from this catastrophe; on land, ecosystems took 30 million years to recover.

The Ancient ‘Mammals’ that Reigned Before the Dinosaurs :biblically-accurate-kitty:

The last period of the Paleozoic before the Apocalypse : Permian :posadist-nuke:

Walking With Monsters: Life Before Dinosaurs BBC [3] - Clash Of Titans :ursus-hexagonia:

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