• CoolYori [she/her]
    2 months ago

    The funny thing is that almost all anime is made for the Japanese market only. They do not see any overseas sales as legitimate business that makes them money. Its why we get pedo shit and incest stuff that normally would not fly in most other markets. They are not making it for anyone other than the freaks in Japan that love that stuff. Video games and even more so MMORPGs are affected heavily by this. One of the big events right now in FFXIV is for Yokai Watch. The reason why is at one point it was beating Pokemon in most target demographics. Its almost unknown outside of Japan and just shows you how insular they still are when it comes to media.

    • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      Idk how I feel about this take, weird, like does Japan have a unique demographic of incest pedo lovers? Surely the success of weird incestuous pedophilic shows in the west proves that this is not the case. The perspective of this take feels very "ooh those wily inscrutable Japaneses!!" Idk. "How insular they still are" the isolationist Japan...