"Oh cool! I bet these guys have some really great politics! :-)"

Beogradski Sindikat (BS), a hip-hop collective, promoted conservative and far-right views through music.[38][39] Škabo, a prominent member of BS, used to associate himself with Dveri, while Aleksandar Protić headed the Third Serbia political party, which was formed out of Dveri.


  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    5 months ago

    I mean, when I say "I bet these guys have some really great politics" it's more like I had a vague hope that they were just not ideologically committed to anything beyond criticizing whoever happened to be in power and supporting whatever happened to be popular with the masses. However there were definitely some lyrics of BS's that gave me bad vibes. For one that a number of their lyrics express queerphobic or sexist views, and the songs as a whole have a very "macho" tone, but unfortunately hip-hop being what it is, this is almost to be expected; secondly in the song "Oni su" there's a lyric right at the start that's something like "This is absolutely not politically correct, neither left nor right but straight in the face", which honestly if it were coming from an American would just make me immediately go "yeah these some chuds"; and thirdly religion seems to be a recurring theme with BS, which is rarely a good sign. BS definitely tie themselves very firmly to Serbia and Belgrade specifically, one of their songs "Olovni vojnici" even uses a speech of Major Dragutin Gavrilović to the defenders of Belgrade in the First World War.

    So yeah. I was just sort of cautiously optimistic with regard to Beogradski Sindikat's politics: I wasn't going to share their songs with anyone until I knew for certain what exactly their politics were, and I tried finding out once and for all several times... But somehow until today missed that little paragraph on Wikipedia. The songs that I could find translations of always kept their chuddiness somewhere between "nonexistent" to "enough to arouse suspicion", and I guess the ones that were more explicitly chuddy were the ones that I couldn't find (or never bothered finding) translations of, or perhaps never heard to begin with.