So the title from NPR (National Propagandada Radio) article misleadingly states

China has stopped publishing daily COVID data amid reports of a huge spike in cases

Despite the text stating, in fact, that China hasn't stopped publishing COVID data. Rather a different agency would be reporting the data.

China's National Health Commission said in a statement that it would no longer publish the data daily beginning Sunday and that "from now on, the Chinese CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) will release relevant COVID information for reference and research."

One can read data in the Chinese CDC page with COVID infection statistics here. It looks like data reported from from the National Health Commission Page.

I fucking hate the West

  • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
    2 years ago

    “I was angry, so you can’t blame me for slurping the propaganda juice. It wasn’t real but the scariest part is that it could have been…”

      • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
        2 years ago

        Yes, and also, this was a case of not reading past a false headline posted in bad faith by a wrecker. All propaganda is based on a grain of truth, but we have to dig a little deeper than that sometimes