So the title from NPR (National Propagandada Radio) article misleadingly states

China has stopped publishing daily COVID data amid reports of a huge spike in cases

Despite the text stating, in fact, that China hasn't stopped publishing COVID data. Rather a different agency would be reporting the data.

China's National Health Commission said in a statement that it would no longer publish the data daily beginning Sunday and that "from now on, the Chinese CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) will release relevant COVID information for reference and research."

One can read data in the Chinese CDC page with COVID infection statistics here. It looks like data reported from from the National Health Commission Page.

I fucking hate the West

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    Some of the best content on Reddit is inside the first few comments, as a handful of people periodically DO read the article and then bang out a synopsis of why the headline is bad. That's always been one of the site's little virtues. You can skim news and check under the fold for the inevitable squad of self-appointed bullshit detectors to clarify what you're reading. If you're really lucky, you'll get some secondary sources to support/rebut what was in the original (often underwritten, possibly programmatically generated, linked story) and come out of it knowing far more about the subject than the OP.

    But the site's quality has been on a hard decline since at least 2016. The degree to which subreddits aggressively police and screen out any kind of alternative views in the comments that added value has intensified. So there's a lot less "twelve paragraphs about the socio-economic history of Puerto Rico" under a headline about a hurricane taking down the island's power grid and a lot more "Fuck You!" or "Foreigners Did This!" or "Le First Prost!" as the enthusiastically upvoted top comments.