I guess growing up with white washed or white pacifist characters being seen as good does that, all western propaganda and media has the part where the marginalized have to be pacifists or be kind to their oppressor or else they're worse, it's in cartoons movies games textbooks, stuff that gets carved into their head.
If god forbid, I ever have children, I will teach them not to turn the other cheek; that striving for vengeance is admissible within certain bounds, and to never spend more than what one has on chasing it
I guess growing up with white washed or white pacifist characters being seen as good does that, all western propaganda and media has the part where the marginalized have to be pacifists or be kind to their oppressor or else they're worse, it's in cartoons movies games textbooks, stuff that gets carved into their head.
If god forbid, I ever have children, I will teach them not to turn the other cheek; that striving for vengeance is admissible within certain bounds, and to never spend more than what one has on chasing it
Eye to an Eye