I just needed to vent about some relationship stuff, and felt most comfortable sharing it here. I ended up writing a lot, so feel free to keep scrolling if you don't care to read, lol.


This is someone I've had feelings for for the past 11 years, and I'm really bummed out about it. I've been in a few long-term relationships spanning years, but I've only really felt this strongly towards her. She has a tendency to pop into my life, then disappear for 1-2 years at a time. In 2021, we talked for two weeks, and then she ghosted me on a night we were supposed to hang out. She wouldn't respond to my texts, but she was posting on instagram photos of her on a date with someone else, including pics of them kissing. She never did respond to me after that missed date.

About a year ago, she texted me out of nowhere and apologized. She said she was really sorry that she hurt me, and she just didn't know what she wanted at the time. The relationship between her and the other person didn't work out. I was a lonely idiot and responded back to her. We ended up talking for a couple weeks, then she started doing some sketchy stuff again. I'm monogamous and demisexual and wanted to avoid getting hurt again, so I told her: "You know how I feel about you. If you're going to act affectionately to me, talk horny about stuff, and get me to open up to you, I want it to be in a monogamous relationship. So if you're going to spontaneously ignore my texts and ditch me on the nights we're supposed to chill, please don't get a hold of me." She said she was sorry and it's fine if we stopped talking.

Well, two months ago she reached out to me, and I responded back to hear what she had to say. We ended up texting each other almost every day for two months. We confided in each other, we video chatted, and we got a little :bonk:. She invited me over two weeks ago, and it was an amazing time. We cuddled, we talked for hours, we got a little physical. And it made me feel really good.

But shortly after, she started taking hours to respond to my messages. She'd "fall asleep" more often at 8 pm, when we'd regularly talk until midnight. Then we were supposed to hang out a few days ago, and she told me last minute that she just wanted to crochet and hang out with her cats instead. She didn't respond to me again for 3 days, but I saw that she posted Stories of her cuddling with another guy at his apartment. I didn't know who this guy was, but he was tagged in the video. I went to his profile and it said he was in a relationship and his cover photo was the two of them holding each other at a disc golf course.

It made me super upset. So I messaged her: "You're doing the same exact shit again, what the fuck? I told you not to contact me anymore when you're just sad and lonely and need something familiar. I'm a fucking human being and every time you do this to me, it fucks me up for awhile. Please don't ever text me again."

To be honest, I got kind of ugly with it, and I'm not sure if this was justified of me. I thought about screenshotting our sexting messages and us talking about how much we enjoyed the physical stuff we did, and sending it to the guy. If I was in a relationship, I'd be pissed and hurt if I found out my partner was doing that. And if they were in an open relationship, she needed to disclose that to me. So I told her exactly that.

She called me on my bluff and said, "If you feel like you need to, go ahead. You don't know what our arrangement is." She said that she didn't respond to me because she was having a rough few days, and said she wouldn't ever bother me again. Then she blocked me on everything.

So I'm just bummed out about it. I hate having someone you really like in your life every day, and then it just ends super badly and abruptly. I really liked having her to talk to, and it truly felt like it was budding into something real. But it was all a lie, and that hurts. I feel like a dumbass for falling for it again, but I'm lonely af and thought she might've really come around. Then to see that we're finally blocked from all communication, it sucks that it's real. I just needed to get this out, and if you guys had any similar stories or things to share, that'd be cool too.


  • Bnova [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Hey man I'm sorry to hear about that. I think the best thing you can do is just put your head down, focus on your own shit for a while and move on, which is easier said than done but time helps with that.

    When I was 17 (but in college) there had been a girl that I'd been friends with for two years and she and her boy friend had been broken up for a few months and we'd been talking. Until I'd seen a photo of them hanging out on FB and I'd asked what was up with that. She'd then told me that he'd bought her some shit (I can't recall exactly what it was this was a long time ago) and that she'd missed him buying her things, not that she missed him particularly, but the things that he'd bought her. We'd stopped talking pretty quickly after that because she was in a relationship and I was completely turned off by the very blatant gold digging.

    I pretty quickly decided to keep working on myself. I got in shape, hitting the gym nearly every day and was a completely unrecognizable person a year later, I'd lost ~100 lbs and gained some muscle. I spent about a year focusing on goals that I set for myself and improving my platonic relationships rather than searching for a prospective romantic partner and have since had many great and some not-so-great relationships.

    I'm really sorry that this happened to you, but you're certainly better off without her.

    • ThisMachinePostsHog [they/them, he/him]
      2 years ago

      Dude, great job distracting yourself and putting in the work to improve your situation! That had to be a huge boost to your confidence, and it's awesome that you worked on improving your relationships with people. It's really motivating to hear that someone who went through a similar situation took the opportunity to make tangible changes in their life. I'm going to think about this for awhile.