They're trying to kill Paizo for being too based. Allowing the first unions in our TTRPG market? No fucking way! Don't buy from Wizards ever again you hogs

  • spring_rabbit [she/her]
    2 years ago

    All the feats giving special actions is a little 4e-esque, but it lacks what I saw as the big problem with 4e that all characters basically had the same moves - a fighter could do physical damage, a cleric would do the same thing but with radiant, the wizard with fire, but it all felt the same. Pf2e's action system doesn't make me feel like me and my party are all doing the same thing and everyone has their niche.

    Unlike 1e though, the math is very very tight and unoptimized builds suffer for it. If your ancestry doesn't give that extra +1 to your primary stat bonus, you're gonna feel it.

    Mostly I really like how simple the action system is. No move, swift, standard. Just three actions. My friends find this much easier.

    Outside of combat it actually plays not too different from 1e, except that skill feats make some interesting options and the proficiency system means if you specialize in something you will be better than your teammates, but the gap is less severe than 1e where you can just put everything you got into stealth and be absurdly good at it.

    • lurkerlady [she/her]
      2 years ago

      If your ancestry doesn’t give that extra +1 to your primary stat bonus, you’re gonna feel it.

      They did actually just change this in a recent errata. You can just choose any 2 boosts on any ancestry. So you could choose to do +3 boosts +1 flaw as normal on an Elf, or you can forgo having a flaw for any two boosts. Makes that issue far easier to handle

      • spring_rabbit [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Oh wow this opens a lot of doors. I'm sure there are some ancestry feats that were waiting for this chance to be used in other classes.

        • lurkerlady [she/her]
          2 years ago

          Yeah I'm personally gonna use the adjustment on elves all the time. The constitution malus is really rough.

          • spring_rabbit [she/her]
            2 years ago

            Yes! Everyone needs con and an ancestry with a malus to it is terrible no matter what class you play.