• https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1612156325982605318
  • https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1612161469839179778
  • https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1612160219982794752

Statement from Progressive International

  • https://nitter.net/ProgIntl/status/1612173077357686784

Military police taking pictures and joking with the mob

  • https://nitter.net/BenjaminFogel/status/1612162433778434051

Video of the storming of Congress

  • https://twitter.com/manolo_realengo/status/1612164820878385155

Insurrection may have been planned in Florida

  • https://nitter.net/davidrkadler/status/1612174652763426817#m

Insider the senate

  • https://twitter.com/PopulismUpdates/status/1612169741900345344

Military police guiding the mob towards the buildings

  • https://twitter.com/choquei/status/1612163954754703364

Federal district's head of security secretariat, a Bolsonaro supporter, has been fired

  • https://twitter.com/DLBiller/status/1612181702687834113

Police officers just hanging around while the protesters trash the place

  • https://twitter.com/davidrkadler/status/1612188105733177347
  • https://twitter.com/UrbanNathalia/status/1612176142630522880

Musk's twitter takeover aided right wing media content

  • https://twitter.com/jsrailton/status/1612186668836048897

Statement by Progressive Caucus

  • https://twitter.com/USProgressives/status/1612185864926556162

President Lula signs a decree to re-establish order

  • https://twitter.com/Camila_Rocha/status/1612192824082206720

Lula's tweet thread on the situation

  • https://twitter.com/LulaOficial/status/1612191803901444098
  • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
    2 years ago

    It is truly amazing how the Bolsonaro government went out of it's way to have 0 friends in the international scene

    • made kissy faces at Trump only to refuse to congratulate the Biden Imperium
    • had his fail sons call chinese people monkeys on twitter (they are fucking congresspeople lol)
    • started fucking over argentina even before Macri lost
    • only played nice with russia because neoliberal policies gutted the national fertilizer industry and the cattle ranchers would have beheaded him on the streets if he hadn't
    • opened a trade mission in jerusalem instead of recognizing it as israel's capital
    • rallied against the new mildly left of center governments in south america because of course he did
    • threatened war against france

    the only people who were mildly lukewarm on Lula was Modi's India but even then it's out of competition with china. motherfucker apparently rang up the USA multiple times, asking for coup support, and they just kept saying :bugs-no:

      • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
        2 years ago

        During the media blitz about the increased burnings in the amazon back in 2019. Macron called the g7 to 'discuss' the situation. Problem is that regardless of the fact that illegal loggers and miners are core supporters of Bolsonaro there is an entire wing of paranoia about 'rich country' intervention in the Brazilian Amazon, and it is particularly widespread in the armed forces. The entire brazilian government started childishly cursing Macron and calling his wife ugly on social media and Bolsonaro at one point indirectly talked about war. This then became a meme amongst the opposition because as people know Brazil has ammo for about 25 minutes of actual state-on-state war.

        • redthebaron [he/him]
          2 years ago

          25 minutes of actual state-on-state war.

          the only caveat on this is that techinically long term we can do it, like as long as we have a supplier of ammo on the early phase i would imagine the war production would eventually be done the bigger problem is that we are not really fans of war, like even the ukrainian one brazilians eventually just came to the conclusion that nah we shouldn't do anything about it we are ignoring way more pressing stuff in OUR COUNTRY we can just put this on the pay no mind list and be done with it

    • Shoegazer [he/him]
      2 years ago

      When Biden sent CIA to discuss plans with Bolsonaro, he refused to recognize Biden as president and refused to listen to the envoy and demanded that Trump come back lol