• PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Just to provide some color about who these unnmaed landlords are. It's liberal icons like Warren Buffet using Berthshire Hathaway to create a vertical monopoly on manufactured homes.


    plus whatever shell company that is the landlord for the lots.

    • charlie
      2 months ago

      There were also grifters selling courses to individuals to learn them up on how to buy their own trailer parks and run them into the ground. “Get rich quick” through mobile homes was big a while back. I imagine a lot of those got bought and consolidated by funds. Easier to buy out the one owner of a park than the 40ish people that are a mix of owning the land renting the trailer, renting the land owning the trailer, etc

    • spidervl
      2 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    2 months ago

    so glad mine is on my own land, however shitty it is

    but this is a good thing any solidarity these days esp from the most exploited of the working class is something

    • Maoo [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      I'm really glad you own your own plot. It's so terrible how people get lured in with the idea of owning a home within their budget, already doing their best to stay solvent, and then they learn after becoming invested in the idea that the only places they can afford to have that home is on rented land with a landlord.

      • Des [she/her, they/them]
        2 months ago

        i got super lucky i was able to score a recently renovated prefab on a plot that previous owners were on rent-to-own scheme and the company had to sell it below market

        paid the price of a new pickup for a house and then two years later it triples in value as the market goes insane everywhere. i guess the lesson is sometimes a house on craigslist isn't just a scam or an attempt to murder you

    • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
      2 months ago

      That's what season 5 should have been. They bought the park and shit spirals out of control so hard that the Independent State of Sunnyvale ends up as an independent nation and the season 6 arc ends up being the boys getting so frustrated with having to go through checkpoints and shit daily that they end up taking over Nova Scotia and get UN recognition.

      They end up sending Ricky to the UN and season 7 has him bond with the Cuban delegation over smokables and learn about the merits of socialism, and frequently get into barely coherent shouting matches with the US and Canadian representatives with the series finale having the new "Republicle and People's of Nova Scotia and Other Kind of Stuff" join hands with other communist states to form a new communist bloc.

      Then they make a movie about stumbling ass-backwards into winning a small war with Canada so hard that the US balkanizes.

  • spidervl
    2 months ago

    deleted by creator