• PZK [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The latest from the right wing sphere is constantly amusing to me. DeStantis' obsession with the word "woke" and his subsequent success with his election has conservatives mindlessly repeating the word everywhere because they think it is a winning strategy.

    It's so easy to bully people over saying this phrase, even to the degree of simply asking them what it means.

    It sounds so dumb. The only reason it has any kind of success is because Democrats have don't really know how to combat the term because they won't attack the Republicans for using it. You can see from the shower of downvotes that the rightoids hated the call out but can't explain why.

    A perfect hit piece ad against people who use this phrase could be: "Republicans hate you being awake to see society's problems, because they know... like any criminal... you are most vulnerable when you are asleep."

    • GargoyleSoldier [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I got twice more downvotes than the screenshot showed. I didn't call anyone racist, i didn't say jill should be black or poc. I just wanted to know what "woke" meant to them. Obviously if i asked "is woke being black to you?" They would've answered No. I really wonder what's on their head.