• AlyxMS [he/him]
    1 year ago

    🎵~ Oh, we love you Mrs. Thatcher

    You´re the darling of us all

    You’re the curse of the Irish nation

    Fianna Fail and Fine Gael

    You´ve destroyed me hired purchase

    And you put me on the dole

    If I could get my hands on you

    I´d kick you up the hole ~ 🎵

    🎵 ~ Oh, we love you Mrs. Thatcher

    Like your old man likes the brew

    Such a lad your husband Denis

    When he´s had a drink or two

    He´ll take a pint of Guinness

    and glass of irish mist

    And because he sleeps with you each night

    no wonder hes so pissed ~ 🎵