60,000 B.C.

me member of hill tribe

work at rock factory. make rocks all day. receive little rock

hill tribe have little rocks. all rocks get sent north to united clans of abunga

whole tribe hate this

elect chief gunga to nationalize rock industry

two days later warriors from united clans of abunga show up

kill chief gunga in rock strike

chief bunga elected

chief bunga say we send rocks back to united clans to abunga

hill tribe have no rocks now

me face when yes-honey-left

  • SSJ2Marx
    2 months ago

    >be nomadic hunter

    >travel across wilderness following bison migration

    >pass through strange land

    >plants all grow in perfect rows and columns

    >meet strange people

    >call themselves "civilized"

    >short due to homogeneous diet

    >back problems from working too long

    >get depressed every winter

    >never seen other side of mountain

    >all so they can have large food stockpile

    >explain that we have large food stockpile too

    >it's currently migrating and we need to follow it

    >leave strange people behind