They kept him banned after reviewing the video. Which is wild.

The screenshot is wild too btw. Hasan literally asks them if they're on crack, which, I don't think will help his case lmao.

Interviewer: Black Lives Matter or All Lives Matter?

Black Woman: Black Lives Matter.

White Dude: I guess All Lives Matter.

Hasan, pausing the video: Like, there you go, that's a great way of looking at the extremes on both sides.

One side is saying, black lives matter, and, you know, black lives are a part of all lives, so all lives clearly don't matter until black lives matter. And black lives currently don't matter.

The other side is saying all lives matter and black lives matter too, but you're just wrong for bringing that up.

The extreme in that situation is one side saying, correctly, that black people are disproportionately targeted by the criminal justice system and sometimes even killed as a consequence of that disproportionate targeting and systemic racism.

The other side is denying that reality. On the extreme side, on the other side, they are also taking matters into their own fucking hands.

So, how can you look at that situation and go, "Huh, both sides have some ideas here."

Interviewer, to the White Dude: Why's that?

White Dude: Cuz I feel like my life matters too. And I'm not black.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    There's definitely something very suspicious occurring. Even reddit is not this bad to us.

    Every time the algorithm blasts off with something by major socialists on the major projects there's a roughly 30% chance it gets removed. Higher chance if it has a significant anti-imperialist slant to it.

    • LiberalSocialist [any,they/them]
      2 years ago

      Yeah, this vid apparently got a million views in an hour before it got removed. Since then they’ve banned Hasan and his editor but also fan channels. And rejected his appeal.

      It is really, really sus.

      I remember back when the George Floyd protests were going on, TikTok was the place for a large majority of videos of police brutality. But one day it just suddenly fucking vanished. Nothing new would ever turn up - just days or weeks old footage. At that point I turned to Twitter and Twitch.

    • space_comrade [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It's also really hard to get fash shit banned unless it's like extremely explicit shit like Hitler speeches laced with animated swastikas everywhere or whatever.