Notable quotes from OP:

Sure the FBI sent information to Twitter, but Twitter and Facebook etc. had the freedom to decide how to act on it.

They asked social media agencies to try to limit vaccine disinformation and far right extremism. It's a far cry from Chinese state media where any criticism of the state is punishable by arrest.

Go on about Assange all you like but he's a tool and Chelsea Manning proves we let people off easy for leaking state secrets

I support your free speech to go on with your Russian propaganda false equivalence nonsense, a freedom that would not be afforded to me if I tried arguing the evils of Putin in Russia.

yes invading Iraq was wrong, but a) we had and made use of the freedom to protest it and b) the plan wasn't to annex Iraq the way Putin is trying to do with Ukraine, for those people (not me) who supported it, it was to give them democracy and then let them vote on their own leaders in the aftermath of 9/11.

Afghanistan came first but both were GW Bush mistakes and I very much doubt our governments/NATO would make the same type of interventions now.

(About Iraq War) At least we had the freedom to protest and even the people who supported it had democratic ideals

Some notable takes from other :LIB: in the thread too, actually the whole thread is a gold mine. Have a look if you can tolerate being on :reddit-logo:

  • huf [he/him]
    2 years ago

    ah yeah, libs totally confused by another transparent trick. you see the bad old empires like the british painted the map their own color and that was bad.

    the US doesnt paint the map american, it just puts bases everywhere and meddles in the economy and internal politics of countries.


    how do they keep falling for the same fucking trick?

    • huf [he/him]
      2 years ago

      i mean yeah yeah, their material interests align with the empire, i know

      It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.