Won't anyone think of Adam and his 12 properties??? :wojak-nooo: :bootlicker:

  • GaveUp [she/her]
    ett år sedan

    Hacker news is such a weird place. Maybe it's because I don't go on it enough but it seems like everybody there has absolutely no personality

    Every comment seems so devoid of life and energy, regardless of what opinion or statement it holds

    • Owl [he/him]
      ett år sedan

      hackernews personalities:

      • irrelevant technical nitpick, usually about the website or title rather than the contents(60%)

      • irrelevant technical soapbox (traditionally ~40%, but these are increasingly being replaced by the even worse irrelevant political soapboxers)

      • actual hacker in the old-school sense / artist who does things with code (0.1%)

      • notable industry expert with long career who showed up in the comments because their work was being discussed (0.1%)

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      ett år sedan

      Maybe it’s because I don’t go on it enough but it seems like everybody there has absolutely no personality

      You have to look for their resume. That's where it is. :bootlicker: