Thanks to everyone also giving me book recommendations. I appreciate those too, I just read at a much slower pace than I watch movies so I still have a hefty backlog of that to get through. Might have to recommend some of these to my book club tho

  • jabrd [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I just finished reading the dispossessed with my little commie book club and it was incredible. I found it incredibly funny though that the big reveal at the end, the magnificent invention we've been hearing about all book, is just essentially the internet. And I get why lefties in the 70s would be excited about that idea but seeing where we've ended up it made me chuckle. Still an aboslutely beautiful novel though. It's something my partner and I constantly reference in conversation to help elaborate on a point

    Not sure who's picking the next book but I've already got Neuromancer by Gibson in the queue. It's just one of those books I've always heard about but never took the time to read so it felt like appropriate book club material