Diane Sare was the Larouche senate* for NY congress so we've only got the finest of minds here :data-laughing:

this is not the win for their activism they think it is lmao

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      how bad things are with no anti war movement

      This just feels like Kosovo all over again. A bunch of liberals working themselves into a lather over a Just War where they can finally out-patriot the Republicans. Except, we're doing one better even than Kosovo because No American Soldiers Will Be Harmed In The Making Of This War.

      None of the depressing flag-draped coffins or teary-eyed Gold Star Moms this time around, folks. All the coverage is exclusively about how badly Russia is losing and how awesome the newest line of Murder Machines will be once they're unleashed onto the field.

      Just hope the non-libertarians bail out when the rest of these guys shift into pushing for war with china.

      I keep telling myself that the US war machine must be running on fumes by now. I mean, holy fuck, we've been at this for over half my adult life. $40B/mo was what we were throwing at Iraq at its peak. Surely... surely by now we're hitting some kind of soft ceiling on military industrial export, right? Something in the US economy is going to have to give and cripple our ability to run the Endless Ammo cheat.

      I mean, we're cranking up interest rates. We're drying up on fossil fuel reserves. Nobody Wants To Work Anymore. Someone tell me we're finally at a tipping point, because I just don't understand where all this surplus labor value is even coming from.

      The idea that we could say "Fuck it! While we're at Ukraine, let's open up a full blown naval war on the other side of the Pacific!" boggles my mind. I literally can't even.

      • blue_lives_murder [they/them]
        2 years ago

        I just don’t understand where all this surplus labor value is even coming from.

        The chance of generatingstealing it in the future. That's what financialization is all about.

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          2 years ago

          Sure. But that's all on paper. You can't bomb someone with inflated stock shares. You need steel and jet fuel and pilots and engineers.

          • blue_lives_murder [they/them]
            2 years ago

            well yeah that's the only real thing we have left, more or less. all the potential surplus labor value is being funneled into that real production