:cool-zone: end this fucking blight of a country. love and power to the people who head out to protest tonight.

don't watch this if you value your sanity.

  • silent_water [she/her]
    1 year ago

    yea posting it mainly so braver souls can provide a recap. I didn't watch it and have no plans to. hearing some of the audio on Hasan's stream was enough to convince me that it's horrifying.

    • Shoegazer [he/him]
      1 year ago

      When they catch up to him, two cops are already pinning him down. Then another one arrives and pepper sprays him, but he’s a dumbass so he ends up pepper spraying himself and the other cops as well. This no doubt pissed everybody off and I imagine caused an escalation in an already murderous situation.

      Eventually they get him up and he’s slurring his words and stumbling around mindlessly because he’s been punched and kicked and pepper sprayed multiple times. Several cops are holding his arms while another one yells at him to give him his hands (remember, they already got like two guys holding his arms. He can’t move them) and starts pepper spraying/punching him again

      • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Its fucking barbaric. I've only stomached one viewing but even to them it has to be obvious that he's in complete shock and he probably can't even understand what the hell is going on anymore. He was just trying to get fucking home and they beat him to death. Fuck everything.