:cool-zone: end this fucking blight of a country. love and power to the people who head out to protest tonight.

don't watch this if you value your sanity.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    That's one thing that was absolutely drilled in to me about fighting when I was a kid; never, ever hit someone in the head. Go for the stomach, kick them in the balls, kick them in the kneecaps, bite them, gouge their eyes out, whatever. But getting hit in the head is how people die suddenly and unexpectedly. you clock someone in the jaw, they go unconscious and brain themselves on the pavement, you're up for murder charges. They go down, you kick them in the head, they have a brain bleed, you're up for murder charges. Biting and gouging is just kids fucking around, shots to the head are when you're trying to kill someone.