Any guesses on when they stop publishing numbers entirely? I feel like that's the point where I'm going to be completely screwed.

  • charly4994 [she/her, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    I was referring to nurses being unable to fix a systemic problem, but honestly I don't see a way to put the cat in the bag at this point.

    Looking at the material reality around us, it is unfeasible. There is no infrastructure that would allow a mass lockdown at this point that wouldn't just be another way to brutalize minorities. The population as a whole has since given up on trying, believing the pandemic to be over. Even if we should see a miracle where the US decides to do another lockdown, it's still going wild in other countries and will continue to mutate. On a global scale the only thing that would possibly have a chance is a large global revolution that would simultaneously overthrow all the main seats of power in one fell swoop allowing for a large global collaborative effort to lockdown for a period. As it stands though, there's not any political will globally to make such a sweeping decision. So I stand by what I said that there's nothing we can do that isn't assuming a massive shift in how the world works when there's close to nothing in motion that would see it happen.

    • macabrett
      1 year ago

      No political will != not possible

      There's no political will for pretty much anything we advocate for here

      • charly4994 [she/her, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        Still doesn't change the fact that without a global response, nothing will change. China gave up on zero COVID as a result of nothing else happening globally beyond letting COVID just rip through people. I"m not against doing a month long lockdown either globally, I just don't see it as a feasible reality within my lifetime.

        • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
          1 year ago

          Ngl I still think zero-covid-in-one-country is still a totally feasible strategy and I think China fucked up big time by dropping it and the people in China that advocates for dropping it did not understand what they were asking for.

          I’d happy be locked down 1 month out of the year the rest of my life in exchange for not getting sick anymore. I usually spend more than a month out sick anyway.

            • macabrett
              1 year ago

              There was a post around here that dug deeper into what happened with China dropping zero covid and if I'm remembering right, China didn't intend to drop zero covid, but instead local governments misunderstood something, opened up, and then the cat was out of the bag. This also goes against the narrative that the Chinese government is an oppressive regime, but that doesn't matter to westerners.