Sir Steel (voiced by Doug Erholtz in English) is a conceited wealthy entrepreneur who comes up with various plans either for profit or to simply provide himself with convenience even if it means causing problems in the city or wilderness which he does not seem to mind or realize. Though not entirely bald (he has a small hook of hair at the very top), Sir Steel wears a wig which is seen coming off sometimes. He is also the main antagonist of the series.
I don't like wealthy entrepreneurs either but I would be cautious about letting kids watch Chinese cartoons especially. China is undoubtedly trying to get a solid spot in the global animation industry and it's definitely the CCP behind this push. I think they are after the influence opportunities. Of course, US producers have long dominated the industry and churned out way too many rags-to-riches stories but you should not cheer if it's another extremist group that's challenging the status quo.
I’d also love a more diverse industry but not with 2-3 major players steamrolling everyone else. I am sure there are talented filmmakers from Hungary, Kenya, Paraguay or wherever whose thought-provoking, innovative, well-executed movies never receive as much attention as another South Park season or Marvel movie.
Oh look, a lost lib. Around these parts the Chinese Communist Party is generally viewed favorably. Them churning out lessons for kids to identify and resent capitalists is cool and good actually.
There are worse shows, such as its Chinese bootleg Deer Squad. It has been dubbed into dozens of languages already.
This sounds dope for a preschooler show lmao
To be fair, that's basically the same character as Humdinger from paw patrol. Just replace entrepreneur with mayor
I don't like wealthy entrepreneurs either but I would be cautious about letting kids watch Chinese cartoons especially. China is undoubtedly trying to get a solid spot in the global animation industry and it's definitely the CCP behind this push. I think they are after the influence opportunities. Of course, US producers have long dominated the industry and churned out way too many rags-to-riches stories but you should not cheer if it's another extremist group that's challenging the status quo.
Good on them. I'd love for there to be more Chinese animation.
I’d also love a more diverse industry but not with 2-3 major players steamrolling everyone else. I am sure there are talented filmmakers from Hungary, Kenya, Paraguay or wherever whose thought-provoking, innovative, well-executed movies never receive as much attention as another South Park season or Marvel movie.
Oh look, a lost lib. Around these parts the Chinese Communist Party is generally viewed favorably. Them churning out lessons for kids to identify and resent capitalists is cool and good actually.
what are you rambling about?
I think they're afraid of China becoming a cultural hegemon, which tbh