Investing in water combines free enterprise with serving the common good and delivering measurable positive impact.
Providing reliable, regulated water and sanitation services in developing countries increases economic productivity, improves public health, promotes greater gender equality (liberating women and girls from the burden of hauling water) and improving eductaional outcomes.
Water infrastructure investment in developed markets has an exponential impact on job creation and social stability.
Cannot wait for all those job openings with the new nestle paramilitary to help enforce social stability!
desalination plants please . jfc
Desalination plants are only so useful when they cause oceanic dead zones from the brine that they spit back out.
Or keep the brine and use it to harvest lithium and other metals or road salt. We can process that stuff. Or just hual it up to Utah for that fresh inland lake breeze those bigots love.
there's challenges to overcome and negatives to minimize. for water: it's the future. there's really no getting away from it. smart use, conservation, etc. can only do so much and with more and more people will not be enough. the ocean is endless and enormous and it's really dumb we don't go there to get water