Replied to someone else about it, it's overall weaker than the original run and there's a few shitty ones, but when it hits its up to par eith the best and the finale is worth watching at the least. They did my favorite series finale ever.
Check it out. I really like the time machine episode. It was really fulfilling for it to be revived too. I was upset when Fox canceled it so it felt like a win to see more seasons.
I haven't seen it.
Replied to someone else about it, it's overall weaker than the original run and there's a few shitty ones, but when it hits its up to par eith the best and the finale is worth watching at the least. They did my favorite series finale ever.
Check it out. I really like the time machine episode. It was really fulfilling for it to be revived too. I was upset when Fox canceled it so it felt like a win to see more seasons.