BREAKING: The South Dakota Attorney General reported hitting a deer Saturday night but had actually hit and killed a man whose body wasn’t discovered until the next morning, according to the Department of Public Safety. Story coming ASAP. Then will update with info from relatives— Arielle Zionts (@Ajzionts) September 14, 2020
Exactly. Plus, in some places, the sheriff has a "to call" list of folks who will come and collect the deer for processing and (usually) donation. So the process is supposed to be you get out and inspect your car, put the deer out of its misery if you're capable (again, rural area), and contact the sheriff. Particularly if it's blocking the roadway and you can't move it out of the way. Usually they'll dispatch someone, but I've heard that sometimes they just call the next person on the collection list.
Exactly. Plus, in some places, the sheriff has a "to call" list of folks who will come and collect the deer for processing and (usually) donation. So the process is supposed to be you get out and inspect your car, put the deer out of its misery if you're capable (again, rural area), and contact the sheriff. Particularly if it's blocking the roadway and you can't move it out of the way. Usually they'll dispatch someone, but I've heard that sometimes they just call the next person on the collection list.
Be familiar with your local game laws, though. You wouldn't want your good faith effort being misconstrued as hunting/taking out of season.
Around here, it's more "be familiar with your local sheriff", but that's absolutely a fair point!
You get it. 👍