Gamers see an inventory screen and lose it?

I guess I understand why one would have a negative reaction to damage numbers popping up on the screen, it's visual clutter. But also those can be helpful to understand how different builds work in-game.

I haven't played many games that came out in the last few years, can someone help me understand? I want to understand the psychology of the :soypoint-2: .

  • invo_rt [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Well regarding the inventory screen, a lot of AAA games have the same inventory UI. I dislike that UI because it's silly to implement a cursor you control with the joysticks versus just arrowing through menus like games have been doing for decades.

    As for the gear and items, people are talking about the loot-driven games. I've really come to hate these as well to the point where I'll avoid a game if has systems like that. Give me meaningful, hand crafted items as rewards for progressing in the game instead of randomly generated prefix and suffix combinations with one of five different weapon models.

    Assassin's Creed is a great example. The games pre-Origins all had item progression tied to major plot points or secret unlocks. Getting new stuff feels good. In the newer games, enemies just vomit up loot and 98% of it is totally worthless. Just cut the system. The only thing I've been very cautiously optimistic about is AC Mirage since it's supposed to be a return to form.