I'm only thinking about this bc I just had surgery and I'm on oxy for the first time in 17 years, but, like...
Doctors really claim, like as a profession, that they just didn't know fucking opium was highly addictive and oopsie woopsie did a little fucky wucky and now like a million people are dead?
Cause I really never thought about that, but I took 1 "take 2 every four hours" pill SEVEN FUCKING HOURS AGO and I am still tripping balls and in my current altered state their cutesy little "We just forgot morphine was dangerous" shtick sounds pretty fucking ridiculous.
Oh and the DEA and FDA must have been in on this, too, right? The whole time? Because no one would actually be stupid enough to believe this shit, right?
Yeah I'm 30 now but when I fractured my ankle when I was 15 they prescribed me like multiple refills of Percocets.
It's wild to think about.
Yeah my mom took them away and replaced the bottle with ibuprofens, was a good move on her part as I found out not very long later how much I liked all sorts of drugs
I'm absolutely shocked at how well tylenol and ibuprofen are controlling my post-surgical pain like 30 hours out. Almost every time i've been injured for years i've gotten little or no relief from ibuprofen and mostly just toughed it out. I honestly thought taking tylenol for pain was a kind of ha ha joke and that everyone knew it didn't work but there were no alternatives. And like on sunday i was writhing in a hospital bed in immense pain whenever the opioid they we giving me started to run down. This whole experience has been so goddamn bizarre.