Our sex should obviously not be a major part of our lives outside of, like, medical things. But our society forces gender on us as a set of roles, expectations etc. to follow based on our sex. So, ideally, there would be no gender, right?

But trans people throughout history have wanted to present as the opposite gender. This is in addition to cis people who oppose their own gender’s roles and do the opposite things. But trans people, obviously, go much further than any cis person does.

Is this because trans people want to actually be the opposite sex and for a long time being the opposite gender was the only possible thing? But now thanks to medical advancements they can get closer to that goal than any other time?

Why is this? Is it something in the brain, like with gay people? So, can you do a brain scan to see if people are actually gay or trans? Would that even help? Actually, I can imagine it helping in an ideal world, but in our fascist reality that will probably just end up genociding people. So, uh, scrap that.

Any essential books for reading up on all this stuff? Thanks

  • edge [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Do you think a straight guy would want to have sex with someone who has a penis? Some maybe, but most no.

    Initial attraction is based on gender expression, but maintaining a healthy relationship needs sexual compatibility (in most cases anyway, ace people are different obv).

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Do you think a straight guy would want to have sex with someone who has a penis?

      It's at least much more common than most people think, you could ask anybody who gets crept on by straight dudes about that. Most of them just won't admit it. And if you knew anything about trans anatomy, you'd also understand that a penis on testosterone is fundamentally different from a penis on estrogen. You could at least try to educate yourself before you judge other people's genitals and their sexuality like some fucking terf.

      • edge [he/him]
        2 years ago

        So what you think sex just doesn't play a role at all in sex? Some straight guys are ok with a penis, some straight guys aren't ok with a penis on testosterone but are ok with a penis on estrogen, but some (my assumption is still most, i.e. at least 50%, but the point still stands regardless) straight guys aren't ok with either. That's not something that can be controlled the same way sexuality in general can't be controlled.

        And not every trans woman is on estrogen. Like trans people throughout history that this post explicitly mentions.

        • AcidSmiley [she/her]
          2 years ago

          all i'm saying is that your post came off as needing some additional information because withoiut context it could perpetuate harmful stereotypes about unoperated trans women that regularly get us harassed, attacked or killed.