• kingspooky [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    I have been bullied and I was assaulted by other children as a child, to the point of hospitalisation. I don’t want to do those things to my bullies and I never did even in my revenge fantasies.

    This is the reason I'm engaging. Because I was too, brutally, for four years. They broke my nose at one point for fun. And I promise you I do not feel the same way as you about it. I would burn those motherfuckers alive if I could, personally. No one deserves to go through what people put us through and your desire to be nonviolent does not extend to others in that situation. You know what ever made it stop? Fighting back so hard and so vicious that I permanently maimed someone. Hitting over and over and over again with a lock in my fist until I broke his fucking orbital socket and made him need glasses for the rest of his life. Nothing short of that ever made anything stop for a second because violence is the only language bullies understand. Sometimes making an example out of the worst of them is the ONLY thing that makes it stop, and even then only because the others will be hesitant to tangle with someone they now know will do their level best to kill them. If you really wanna know why I feel so strongly about this specific case DM me, I do not intend to be hostile towards you but I don't want to air my entire traumatic past on this message.
    edit just in case this wasn't clear: I think you seem like a really sweet person trying to have your heart in a good place, I just hope you can understand that not everyone who was horribly bullied is just ok with being nonviolent to their abusers.