I wonder if there is any dogwhistling in releasing an article associating George Soros specifically with unipolarity, wonder if anything is going on there ??? They did not have to even report on this speech that they described as “boring” in the piece, really just a mystery why they would publish a piece associating the biggest target of antisemetic hate (although obviously all billionaires are bad people) with unipolarity I bet the comment sections aren’t filled with rabid antisemitism they would surely moderate such things bc they are pro denazification, very strange overall can’t make sense of it. :soviet-hmm:

And it is an opinion piece but they released it in world news not their opinion section so clearly that’s some kind of endorsement, not a good look that the writer also writes for CGTN and Xinhua gonna do mf elders of zion baiting for the emeging multipolar world

In his latest speech, the aging billionaire took potshots at world leaders who fell out of step with his liberal fantasy

Soros, who runs the Open Society Foundation, defined an ongoing war between so-called open societies and closed societies. He said that India’s Modi is “no democrat” and pointed to “violence against Muslims” as part of his “meteoric rise”.

What Soros was really rambling against wasn’t corruption or anti-democratic behavior — but the emerging multipolar world order, of which India and Türkiye are, to various degrees, becoming a part. I will not waste my time defending the likes of Modi or Erdogan, as their records are, in my opinion, indefensible. But it’s not their autocratic leanings that Soros hates about them — it’s their flickers of independence.

Despite what the aging “philanthropist” desires, the era of unipolar liberal hegemony is over. The world is entering a new era of multilateralism and anti-hegemony. Soros’ speech before the Munich Security Conference may, in this way, be a symbol. A symbol of how the old way of doing things dies with the ramblings of an old man while the emerging multipolar world order is born in the thunderous cry of billions of youth across the Global South.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Why do reactionaries always make him sound cooler than he actually is