• solaranus
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

    • Vampire [any]
      2 years ago

      Terrible comment.

      In 0.75 sentences, you've done leftist infighting, hidden behind a snarky pop culture reference, and also managed to admit you attack leftists without reading their thoughts ("ctrl+f" means "I didn't read it")

      Be better.

  • Vampire [any]
    2 years ago

    Some TL;DR –

    • We now are obliged to believe in degrowth, not more-more-more production like Marx/Engels did.

    • We now can't have the confidence of an irresistible historical movement like they could back then.

    • "Marxism is not the only revolutionary ideology. Our refounded Marxist movement must see itself as part of a complex web of revolutionary ideologies which includes many in today’s anarchist movement, ecofeminism, liberation theology, indigenous and nationalist revolutionary currents among others."

    • Organise a political party (broad) not a little vanguardist group of tightly-agreeing people

    • "We maintain the theory of the state as a bulwark of ruling class interests, affirm the need for an insurgent revolutionary movement to overthrow the old state power and impose new state forms that will reflect the democratic aspirations of a popular mass movement"

    • A revolutionary organisation (practice) should have a journal (theory)

    • "The cadre organization must attempt to become a two-way transmission belt between its own consciousness and a broader mass movement—thus enabling itself to learn from the experience of the mass movement, while also helping the mass movement to act in a revolutionary manner during historical moments when revolutionary action becomes possible. (This is Lenin’s theory of a vanguard party, properly understood.)"

    • "The right of nations to self-determination (once again developed in its clearest form by Lenin) remains a core principle of a refounded Marxist movement."

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      A revolutionary organisation (practice) should have a journal (theory)

      this is outdated. clearly they should have a podcast 😏

      • Vampire [any]
        2 years ago

        People who only consume digital content have pretty obvious brain-rot, IME. No way they'rr gonna understand theory.

  • DoubleShot [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Not gonna defend this article, it sucks. But I do think Cosmonaut is one of the best websites on the internet and the Comsopod podcast is great too. They have bad takes not infrequently, but that doesn't negate all the good stuff they put out.

      • DoubleShot [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I finally got to read it more thoroughly. Honestly, I agree with like 80% of it and that 20% is more in the details. I really like his comment about how we're just one revolutionary movement among others, that's a very salient point. Overall I like the idea of developing Marxism for activists and not academics (though I don't know how well he actually does that here). And I like that he talks about how we shouldnt think revolution is inevitable (though I'm not sure Marx and Engels really thought that either, they were certainly optimistic at least). I don't agree with his assessment of the working class as not having the same revolutionary potential as envisioned in the 19th century. I mean, that's true if we're talking about the global north but that's because the working class here is bought out by the spoils of imperialism. Taken across the globe, I still have tremendous hope for the working class writ large. And then there's the areas around development and degrowth, which could be a whole long discussion in itself. Personally I emphasize that we should still seek to maximize economic output and distribute it fairly across the globe within the confines of ecological sustainability. But overall a pretty good article.

      • DoubleShot [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Self-crit: you caught me, I only skimmed it and also saw the comment below where it shows they never even mention China. I tend to get defensive about Cosmonaut because they get shit on here sometimes. Let me read it more thoroughly so I can write a critique where I highlight what I agree and disagree with.

        But I shouldn't just comment if I only skimmed it.