• YoungSheldonAdelson [they/them]
    1 year ago

    I had a stay in a mental hospital several years ago and part of their program for release was daily mandatory group activity attendance. One of the days the hospital brought in a nutritionist(which I now understand to be a made-up job apart from dieticians) to give a lecture on dietary needs and mental health. Something was strange about the entire thing. As the talk went on it trended more and more toward how cheese, milk, and dairy products were an important dietary staple for their calcium and vitamins. This lady had given out pamphlets to us that heavily encouraged consuming more dairy products and when it was over I looked it over a little closer. It was stamped with the Dairy Farmers of America logo. The entire lecture had been sponsored by that organization.

    The Dairy Farmers of America just sent some lady into a mental hospital to tell a bunch of mental health patients that their brains don't work right because they aren't spending enough of their day slurping down cow juice.